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How Fast Can Inbound Marketing Help You Get Customers?

Posted byWed, Jul 17, 2013 @ 2:34 pm

I don’t know. Let’s find out.


connect to customers 2.0_ http---www.flickr.com-photos-hikingartist-5019943977-mediumAfter hearing tales of businesses using inbound marketing to overthrow struggles and achieve impressive results and profitability at last week’s Go Inbound 2013conference, I felt more than inspired. I felt infinitely supported by a process—and a platform—that is transforming businesses of all sizes.

How so? For some, the organizational, process and technology adoption was success in of itself. I heard stats like: in one quarter, 46 blogs increased site traffic by 498 percent, yielding 87 leads and two customers; said company is on track to triple in size next year. For another, $3 million in sales could be traced back to one blog post. Yet another showed staggering spikes in organic, social media and direct traffic, leads and referrals when it published five to 10 blogs per week, shifting the workload to 80 percent content creation.

Amazing, what can happen when you commit and invest in a new way of thinking about generating business—and technology that empowers this. These results don’t happen overnight and it is a lot of work. But inbound marketing can increase revenue, improve sales processes, customer retention, corporate image, employee morale, de-silo departments, reduce cost…the list goes on.

I am, of course, already a big believer. Hoskins Interactive is now a certified HubSpot partner; my business model is molded around inbound marketing. So in the spirit of walking the walk, I decided to up the ante: what would my results be if I stepped up content production/the entire inbound chain of command? What if I invested first in my business and then focused on client work? How can my experience help small business owners, marketing and sales directors and potential partners?

Tomorrow, the pedal hits the metal. I’ll set a benchmark of site stats and set goals with some stretch built in. And we’ll see how close I get to acquiring a new inbound customer in 30 days.

What else happened at Go Inbound 2013? Ashley Sieb, summed up the day most eloquently.

cover photo_lead gen guide resizedAlong for the ride? Get a head start and evaluate what’s working—and what’s not—in your website’s performance.

Check out HI’s free Lead Generation Guide.

Terra Hoskins is The Boss at inbound marketing consultancy Hoskins Interactive. She plans to fail big, win big and work with fascinating people along the way.  





photo credit: HikingArtist.com via photopin cc